Archives for the month of: September, 2012

This is the PRESS RELEASE from the Assessorato alla Cultura in Pietrasanta – we reprint it  for “PIETRASANTA MEETS MARIA GAMUNDI” which happens in the Sala dell’Annunziata in Sant’Agostino, this Tuesday the 25th of September, 2012, at 6pm.

See you Tuesday!

PIETRASANTA. L’assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Pietrasanta in collaborazione con l’associazione Amici del Cav organizza per martedì 25 settembre, alle ore 18, nella Sala dell’Annunziata in Sant’Agostino un incontro con l’artista Maria Gamundi.

Un nucleo di opere della scultrice venezuelana sono attualmente in mostra nella sala delle Grasce (fino al 14 ottobre). Un dono che Maria Gamundi ha voluto fare alla nostra città per celebrare i suoi sessanta anni e i quaranta anni di permanenza a Pietrasanta.

L’incontro di martedì 25 settembre rientra nella serie di iniziative che l’assessorato alla Cultura e l’associazione Amici del Cav hanno in calendario per i prossimi mesi. Appuntamenti con artisti promossi dal Centro Arti Visive e personaggi del mondo dell’arte. Sarà anche un’occasione per gli Amici del Cav di raccogliere i tesseramenti e illustrare l’attività dell’Associazione.

By Valeria Caldelli,
La Nazione

Maria Gamundí’s art is altogether feminine. Not only because she is a woman but because her constant search for harmony and beauty passes almost exclusively through the female form – women, whose bodies communicate a universe that tends towards perfection, where the curves smooth out all the angles and the shapes render light and almost “levitate” heavy materials such as marble and bronze. “Yes, it is true, men are not very present in my repertoire. Only sometimes I have sculpted them and they have come out as saints or devils …” Maria Gamundí smiles in her studio in the foothills of Camaiore – near Pietrasanta – surrounded by dozens of women, a bit languid, a little intriguing – always luscious and serene. They are all ready for her upcoming show “Marmo & Bronzo” which opens September 15, at the Sala Grasce in the cultural center Luigi Russo in Pietrasanta – and which will remain open until October 14. “I believe that the human body, male or female, young or old, is a perfect creation. I use the female body only because I feel closer to it, even if it is never an exact copy of the real. I always try to simplify the forms looking for the harmony that I am searching for.”

Maria Gamundí has lived for years in Pietrasanta, but her origins are half Venezuelan and half Catalan, as revealed by the accent on the “í” of her last name, such as is found in Miró, Gaudí, Dalí. Almost a trademark, or a mark of destiny, for an artist who also has painters in her family. But she has chosen sculpture, three-dimensional creation to give life to the beauty that is the soul of her art. “In the world of contemporary art there is often an attempt to attack, to shock the public,” she says. “I believe that instead we should surround ourselves with beauty, with the good things, so, through my work, I try to evoke harmony and peace. Whatever the trends are, I can only create what I feel and what comes spontaneously from my hands are images that represent my ideal of beauty.”

So who is the real artist, he who upsets us or he who caresses us, he who slaps us or he who takes us by the hand? “For me, art is everything that ignites emotion,” is the answer. “A work of art is one that surprises you, transports you, engages you, beckons you, moves you. I, for one, love Vangi because he conveys humanity. He is a sculptor, but he is also a poet. It does not matter whether something is beautiful or ugly. You can make a beautiful object, but if it doesn’t touch the emotions it is not art. ”

That’s why Maria Gamundí embues her women with the breath of life. “I’m very much a perfectionist,” she says. “Every step is a continuous reworking and I continue to work until I am satisfied, until I feel that the sculpture is alive. Only then I know I’m done.”

But an artist is never finished. And Maria Gamundí is always looking for new challenges which propel her creations from one material to another. Thus, “Marmo & Bronzo” is the title of her upcoming exhibition which offers us a close comparison between identical forms molded in different materials. And the artist comments: “Only their shape is the same, their lives are completely different.”

Visit the artist’s website here:

Here are some photos of the opening of my sculpture exhibition “Marmo & Bronzo” in Pietrasanta. It was a truly great day. I was overcome with joy at seeing so many people there, from Pietrasanta and the world over.

I want to thank the Mayor of Pietrasanta Domenico Lombardi, and Valentina Fogher, and the art critic Giuseppe Cordoni for their support and their presence. A big thank you goes out to the Coro Versilia who sang wonderful songs and to The Trattoria Gatto Nero for the wonderful buffet they served and to the Ristorante Le Tre Terrazze for bringing the chilled Prosecco and wine.

A thank you to Stefano De Franceschi for taking these pictures.

In this picture, from left to right: Domenico Lombardi, the Mayor of Pietrasanta, Giuseppe Cordoni, the noted art critic, and me, Maria Gamundi. Behind me, two of my friends, Gabriella Pascquini, and Silvina Spravkin.

The lovely Cristiana from the Trattoria Gatto Nero serving the delicacies.

PIETRASANTA – É stato un grande successo, l’inaugurazione della mostra di sculture “Marmo & Bronzo” di Maria Gamundi, sabato 15 settembre nella Sala delle Grasce a Pietrasanta. C’é stato una grande partecipazione del pubblico – dei cittadini di Pietrasanta, di artisti e di amici della scultrice. Il Sindaco Domenico Lombardi ha dato il via alle festività che hanno anche visto il Coro Versilia partecipare – con musica – alla mostra che celebra la vita d’artista che Maria Gamundi ha passato nell’ambito artistico di Pietrasanta. La scultrice Venezuelana ha vissuto in Versilia ed ha lavorato nei laboratori di marmo e nelle fonderie di bronzo della Piccola Atene, per quasi quarant’anni. Le sue sculture sono una ode consapevole alla bellezza delle forme femminili, le sue statue sono inconfondibili; candide, luminose ed estremamente eleganti, sono donne distese, meditative, immerse. Con forme arrotondite, quasi astratte con spunti e finiture realistiche; in marmo le superfici sono lievigate quasi all’improbabile e i bronzi sono patinati fino a renderli specchi di una bellezza interiore condivisa con lo spettatore.

La mostra “Maria Gamundi, Marmo & Bronzo” continua fino al 14 ottobre, 2012, nella Sala delle Grasce,

Ingresso gratuito.

Per informazioni contattate: 0584 795500 – e-mail

(via Viareggino,com)

I’m excited to post about details of the vernissage for my solo sculpture exhibition, “Maria Gamundi, Marmo & Bronzo” which is happening at 6pm this Saturday the 15th of September, 2012, in the Sala delle Grasce in Pietrasanta.

The Coro Versilia of Capezzano Monte will be present and will sing several beautiful pieces to kick off the festivities. There will be refreshments offered. The Trattoria Gatto Nero will provide platters of yummy gourmet specialties, and the Ristorante Tre Terrazze will provide the Prosecco and the wine. The picture above is of one of my pieces – “Ninfea” – which will be on display – from

The Gatto Nero is a charming trattoria in Pietrasanta. We link to their website here.

The Tre Terrazze is a restaurant in the little medieval village of Monteggiori – where I lived and had a studio for many years – in the hills overlooking Pietrasanta, and we link to their website here.

I extend my sincere appreciation to both for their support – GRAZIE!

You are invited!

Come see my show and meet with my friends, other artists and share a glass of Prosecco and a delicacy!

Maria Gamundi
“Marmo & Bronzo”
From September 15th to October 14th, 2012
In the Sala Grasce
For more information contact: tel: +39 0584 795500

This is my sculpture “Awakening” – I made this one after I sculpted “Conforto,” which was another nude, a very self-contained and inwardly set piece – whereas “Awakening” is open… hopeful; she celebrates the dawning of the new day.

In the photo above, I am working on the clay model, in my studio – below you can see the two versions I made – one in Marmo statuario, Statuary Marble, and the other in bronze. These two were made in the marble studios and bronze foundries of Pietrasanta, the charming little city on Tuscany’s northwestern coast, known as “Italy’s Little Athens,” for its artistic life.

You can visit my website here:

I am having a solo sculpture exhibition starting next week! “Awakening” will not be in the show, but there’ll be other new and older works in marble and in bronze. Be sure to check back for details! The show is called “Maria Gamundi, Marmo & Bronzo” and it’s at the Sala Grasce in Pietrasanta. The opening – of which I’ll give you more details soon, is this Saturday the 15th of September at 6pm.