Archives for posts with tag: Scultura

I’m happy to announce that several of my sculptures are being featured at the Parco della Gerardesca of the Four Seasons Hotel, in Florence.

The Frilli Gallery is presenting my work in this park along with the work of other sculptors, such as Ugo Riva, Bjorn Oxholm Skaarup, Antonio Manzi, Anne Shingleton, among others.

The Four Seasons is located at Borgo Pinti 99, 50121 Firenze, Italy, their phone number is: +39 055 26261.

For more information about the Frilli Gallery, you can visit their website, linked here.

My marble sculpture “Spirito Libero Portatrice di Luce” was inaugurated last Monday in Pietrasanta. This sculpture, which commemorates the tragic loss of Valentina Prisco, victim of the road, was commissioned by her mother Maria Luisa Secchi, pictured on the right in the photo above.

In attendance were the Mayor of Pietrasanta Alberto Giovannetti,Capo di Gabinetto Adamo Bernardi,Valentina Fogher of the Cultural Offices, Massimiliano Simoni president of Pro-Loco Focette, Ivano Carlesi of Pro-Loco Focette, Patrizia Lombardi assesore di Viareggio, Commandante Polizia Stradale di Prov. of Lucca Serafina di Vuolo, the parish Priest of Focette and representatives from the association of organ donors A.I.D.O. of Viareggio among may friends and family.

This sculpture is in memory of Valentina but is also dedicated to all the Victims of the road and the Italian Organ Association A.I.D.O..

The statue is located on the corner viale Roma – the “Lungo Mare” Boulevard – and via Dalmazia in Focette.

Thank you to Maria Luisa Secchi for the commission, my friends and all who participated.

Un articolo de il Tirreno di Domenico Lombardi, ex-Sindaco di Pietrasanta.



L’infanzia a Caracas, l’adolescenza tra il Venezuela e gli Stati Uniti, poi a New York l’incontro che le ha cambiato la vita: quello con l’immagine, ritratta in un manifesto, di Pietrasanta. Maria Gamundi, le cui sculture che plasmano corpi femminili hanno conquistato il mondo, racconta così quel momento: «Avevo visto il nome di Pietrasanta nel 1972, su un manifesto al Prat Institute a New York. Era il programma per uno stage in Versilia, aperto agli studenti dell’Istituto. Era importante venire per maturare crediti per la laurea, fare esperienza nella lavorazione del marmo e conoscere i grandi scultori. Quel manifesto – dice l’artista a cui il mese scorso il Circolo Fratelli Rosselli ha assegnato il venticinquesimo premio internazionale di scultura “Pietrasanta e la Versilia nel mondo” – ha cambiato il destino della mia vita. Il programma era abbastanza costoso e io ero una di cinque figli. Con la New York State University si trovò un’alternativa meno costosa e, assieme alle mie sorelle, sono andata ad Urbino alla Scuola del Libro dove ho imparato incisione. Ma a me piaceva il marmo e il 9 gennaio 1973 sono arrivata a Pietrasanta. Che non ho più lasciato».

Una scelta coraggiosa. Che ambiente hai trovato?

«Sono andata subito all’Istituto d’arte Stagio Stagi. Incontrai Lido Bovecchi che insegnava nella scuola e mi disse “ma tu vieni da un’Università, non puoi tornare indietro in un Istituto. Vieni a lavorare con me nel mio studio”. Mi offrì uno spazio, il marmo e gli strumenti. Così ho cominciato a “farmi il braccio”. In quegli anni erano poche le ragazze che venivano ad imparare. Ho incontrato una generosità e disponibilità unica in Lido ma anche in tutti gli altri artigiani che ho conosciuto. Parlavo, oltre l’inglese, lo spagnolo italianizzato così riuscivo a farmi capire. In quei mesi conobbi Earl Neiman, artista anche lui, che divenne mio marito. Dopo una parentesi di circa tre anni e mezzo a Miesbach (Germania), nel 1976 siamo ritornati con grande gioia in Versilia. Si abitava nella canonica di Monteggiori, dove ho trascorso trentacinque anni della mia vita. Abbiamo affittato uno spazio nello studio Antonucci per poi lavorare la terracotta alla bottega Versiliese dove si facevano anche fusioni. Ho conosciuto poi la fonderia Mariani dove da trenta anni lavoro il bronzo. Ho scolpito il marmo alla bottega Versiliese, quindi allo studio Giannoni sino a quando, nel 1999, ho acquistato un piccolo studio. In quegli anni si respirava un’atmosfera straordinaria. Erano affascinanti i laboratori in via del Teatro dove gli artigiani e gli operai fischiavano e cantavano. Mi accoglievano con gentilezza e grande disponibilità di ascolto. Si beveva un bicchiere di vino e ti facevano partecipe del progetto in corso. Belle erano le feste che venivano fatte alla fine di una fusione (ricordo la fonderia Tommasi). Questo clima un po’ si è perso, frutto dell’evoluzione dei tempi».

Come ti trovi nella comunità artistica di Pietrasanta? 

«Bene. Ho molti amici che mi sono affezionati. È cambiato il modo di essere artisti. Negli anni del mio arrivo, dopo il lavoro, gli scultori venivano al bar o all’osteria polverosi per dimostrare che avevano lavorato. Un motivo di vanto. Si parlava della nostra giornata. Pietrasanta oggi è molto cambiata. È certamente più bella, più chic, con molte gallerie e ristoranti; viene molta gente, ma il “sapore di prima” non c’è più. Non si può dire se è meglio o se è peggio perchè è certamente cambiato il gusto delle persone. Talvolta ammirano cose scioccanti. È cambiato il culto del bello e dell’armonia».

Quale è l’artista che ammiri di più?

«Giuliano Vangi. La sua forza artistica esprime il pathos umano in tutte le sue forme: dolcezza, aggressività, odio, amore, morte, disperazione. Vangi emoziona, non puoi rimanere insensibile di fronte alle sue opere, al suo granito. Ti sorprende. È sempre una ricerca».

Se tu fossi responsabile della cultura a Pietrasanta cosa faresti?

«Cercherei di creare ancora più opportunità agli artisti che vengono, vivono e lavorano qui. Ulteriore possibilità di spazi espositivi. Le gallerie qui espongono generalmente opere realizzate fuori di qua, anche se ci sono alcune eccezioni. Continuerei ad allargare il parco della scultura su tutto il territorio e sarebbe bello potere realizzare il Museo di Arte Contemporanea con le opere che i molti artisti di Pietrasanta potrebbero donare. Bellissimo il Museo dei Bozzetti».

Quale è il fascino della piccola Atene?

«Essere una città a misura di uomo, con una piazza meravigliosa e la rocca alle spalle. Ti invita alla contemplazione. La zona a traffico limitato nel centro storico ha portato grandi risultati, come vivere nei suoi spazi la città camminando a piedi. Ci sono gallerie importanti, negozi interessanti, ristoranti caratteristici. Si respira un’internazionalità che sta diventando sempre più prestigiosa. Ci sono iniziative culturali di valore come Pietrasanta in concerto del maestro Guttman. In una parola, la qualità della cultura e dei suoi operatori

e, per un’artista, la bravura dei nostri artigiani nelle diverse tipologie di lavoro. Aver saputo realizzare una integrazione di diverse attività che vede, oltre l’artigiano, i formatori, gli incassatori, i trasporti specializzati. Una realtà unica al mondo».


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I am very honored and happy to have been chosen for the 2015 “Pietrasanta e la Versilia nel mondo” International Sculpture Prize.

This is the XXV edition of the prestigios award. It is given every year by the   Circolo Culturale “Fratelli Roselli” to sculptors who through their work promote Pietrasanta’s rich artistic heritage in the world.

Previous winners of the prize are:

invito 21x21 pieghevole 2015.cdr1991 – Ferdinando Botero
1992 – Igor Mitoraj
1993 – Francesco Messina
1994 – Giò Pomodoro
1995 – Kan Yasuda
1996 – Novello Finotti
1997 – Junkyu Muto
1998 – Ivan Theimer
1999 – Bruno Lucchesi
2000 – Giuliano Vangi
2001 – Stanley Bleifield
2002 – Harry Marinsky
2003 – Pietro Cascella
2004 – Jean – Michel Folon
2005 – Romano Cosci
2006 – Helaine Blumenfeld
2007 – Marc Quinn
2008 – Art Shonk – Joseph Sheppard
2009 – Knut Steen
2010 – Giuseppe Bergomi
2011 – Hanneke Beaumont
2012 – Girolamo Ciulla
2013 – Dashi Namdakov
2014 – Ron Mehlman

The art critic Prof. Giuseppe Cordoni will speak about my work. The mayor of Pietrasanta, Massimo Mallegni, and the president of the circolo Alessandro Tosi and the president of the BCC Enzo Stamati will participate. A concert will follow the ceremony.

You are invited to attend the award ceremony which takes place on Sunday,  the 18th of October at 10:15 am in the Chiostro of S. Agostino in Pietrasanta.

Come and join me for this special occasion!



I am honored and happy to announce that my bronze sculpture,
“Sun Worshipper” will find it’s new home in front of the Comune di Pietrasanta.

You are all invited to attend the inaugural ceremony which takes place
on May 30th 2015 at 12:00 noon. Mayor Domenico Lombardi will preside over the ceremony.

“Sun Worshipper” will become part of Pietrasanta’s wonderful International Park of Contemporary Sculpture. To find out more information about the Sculpture Park, visit the Museo dei Bozzetti’s” web page, linked here.

“Sun Worshipper” Inauguration
Piazza Matteotti
Saturday, May 30th, at 12:00 noon


Fog“Selene” rests on Kettle Pond in Newport News surrounded by ice and fog early Wednesday morning. The 7-foot, 8,455-pound figure was sculpted by Italian artist Maria Gamundi, photograph by Adrin Snider.

Posted on March 4, 2015 under Daily Press PhotographersLocal newsPhoto GalleriesWeather


I am happy to be represented in the thriving Frederiksberg art scene in Copenhagen at the Gallerie Lorien.

Tina Lorien, the owner, is a charming and knowledgeable person; She has worked in Pietrasanta for many years where she has met a network of international sculptors.

Find out more about Tina and the gallery in an article in the Copenhagen Post, which we link here.

Visit the gallery website, linked here.



Gallerie Lorien
Frydendalsvej 31
DK-1809 Frederiksberg
Tel: +45 53691820
Mobile: +45 53691846
Email: info(a)


“Ninfea,” one of my monumental bronze sculptures will take part in “Sculpture in the Garden, 2014” exhibition at the Harold Martin Botanical Gardens, at the University of Leicester.

The photo above was taken by Stefano Baroni, when the sculpture was exhibited at the Chiostro di Sant’Agostino, in Pietrasanta for the ARBS Sculpture Exhibition in 2011.

The sculpture was cast at the Fonderia Artistica Mariani in Pietrasanta. You can visit the Mariani Foundry website, linked here.

“Sculpture in the Garden, 2014”
Sunday, June 15th to Sunday, the 26th of October, 2014
Harold Martin Botanical Gardens,
University of Leicester.

For Hours and Directions, visit the University of Leicester’s webpage, linked here.


Pietrasanta’s Virtual Museum of Art and Architecture (M.U.S.A.) has set up a Pinterest page where one can see some rare photos of some of my sculptures.

Visit the page, linked here.

And you can visit M.U.S.A.’s own webpage, linked here.

“Maria Gamundi the making of “Selene” in Pietrasanta”
A film by Silvano Cattai
Featuring “Selene’s Theme” music by Pebble.

Pietrasanta Sculpture, 2013





These are photos from the reception to celebrate the completion of my marble sculpture “Selene,” at the studio of Nicola Stagetti.

Celebrating the completion of a complicated or large work has been a tradition in the marble studios and bronze foundries of Pietrasanta. It’s a way to thank the artisans who were also involved in the realization of the sculpture and to share the piece with other fellow artists and friends.

Pictured in the last photo are Nicola Stagetti and myself in front of the finished piece. Find out more about Nicola Stahetti’s sculpture studio by visiting his website, linked here.




Here are photos of me working on “Selene,” my Carrara marble sculpture, which was commissioned by The Newport News Public Art Foundation.

The work is taking place at Studio Stagetti, one of the marble studios of Pietrasanta.

To find out more information about the studio, visit the studio website, linked here.

Youtube user Lucrezia012 has posted two nice videos of my work, that she produced, on her youtube channel. The first one above is called: “Maria Gamundi Venezuelan Sculptor Chacarera de un triste TANGO.”

The other video I link to here.

I was surprised to find these videos on the web, and am impressed at the amount of energy that Lucrezia012 spent on the research of the photos of my art.

Thank you Lucrezia012; I appreciate your interest in my work.


The figure of “Selene” is beginning to emerge from the block of marble. This part of the sculpting process is called the “sbozzatura,” – the roughing out. The block has received the first cuts (see the picture top left) and is then brought into the studio, in Pietrasanta, where the roughing out is taking place.

Maria-Gamundi-Plaster-Model-Selene-Pietrasanta-Sculpture-2013Here, on the left, is a photo of the “bozzetto” of “Selene.” The “bozzetto,” or plaster model, is the starting point for the larger marble sculpture.

The final sculpture is only four times the size of the plaster model – the plaster model is 50cm high, whereas the final sculptures is 2m tall – but I am struck by the effect: it really feels monumental.


I’m back at work in Pietrasanta on a new sculpture – I’ll post more about this soon – After spending the holidays with my family and friends in Venezuela






Today I post a picture of an earlier sculpture – it’s of “Claudia” and it’s White Carrara Marble.

I live and work in Pietrasanta, Italy which is famous for its marble studios and bronze foundries.
Visit my website for more information at

I’ve been working with the Mariani Foundry for 27 years. They’ve produced all of the bronze sculptures I’ve done over these years.

The Mariani Foundry is run by Adolfo and Nicola Agolini, father and son. The foundry, located in Pietrasanta, is one of the best in the world, they work for important international artists, such as Botero, Mitoraj, and Hanneke Beaumont, among others.

By tradition the artigiani start young, as apprentices, in the marble laboratories and bronze foundries in Pietrasanta – and usually work there their whole lives. I’ve been working with the folks at the Mariani Foundry for so many years that I have seen many of the young workers grow up. They are a wonderful group of people; I think of them as my family.

Click here to see a photogallery of the foundry at work.
The Mariani Foundry is located at:

Via Tre Luci, 51
55045 Pietrasanta (Lucca)

Visit their website for more information about their expert services, which is linked here.

The photo above is is of me at the foundry with a finished bronze – “Bagnante II” with black patina, by Henryk Hetflaisz, visit his website here.
The photo below is of the whole staff – management and the artigiani – the artisan workers – of the foundry. It is by Stefano Baroni, visit his website here.

The television station Reteversilia covered my sculpture exhibition – the reportage is by Jacopo Mencuccini and is edited by Amine Boufaranne.

“Marmo & Bronzo” my solo sculpture show of works in marble and bronze, goes until the 14th of October, 2012 in the Sala Grasce in the complex of Sant’Agostino.

There are 10 more days to see my solo sculpture exibition in Pietrasanta’s Sala delle Grasce. There are 19 sculptures in marble and bronze on view in “Maria Gamundi, Marmo & Bronzo.” I am showing some work for the first time: one is: “Abbraccio” (Embrace) is a composition featuring a couple in a loving embrace. It is made out of statuary marble from Monte Altissimo. Other works are my “Ninfea,” a large format bronze sculpture –  as well as some of my “Bathers,” a series of nudes.

The show closes the 14th of October (below are the hours.) Contact me via email if you would like to see the exhibition during other hours, by appointment.
My email address is mlgamundi (at) Yahoo (dot) it

The show is open from 4:30pm to 8pm. And on weekends also from 10am to 12:30pm. Closed Mondays.

I publish a series of photos from the exhibition – there’s more to see!

Maria Gamundi
“Marmo & Bronzo”
Until October 14th, 2012
In the Sala Grasce
For more information contact: tel: +39 0584 795500


Read the rest of this entry »

This is a photo of me working on “Claudia,” – one of my series of nudes – in statuary marble, which my friends at the “Amici del Centro Arti Visive di Pietrasanta” printed after my “talk” of last Tuesday. The Centro Arti Visive promotes the arts and the artists working in Pietrasanta – they produce events – like my talk – where the artists working in the marble laboratories and bronze foundries of Pietrasanta get a chance to meet the people of the city.

This is a link to the article about my talk on the “Amici del Centro Arti Visive di Pietrasanta” website.

This is a link to the Centro Arti Visive. And this, is a link to my website.

This is the PRESS RELEASE from the Assessorato alla Cultura in Pietrasanta – we reprint it  for “PIETRASANTA MEETS MARIA GAMUNDI” which happens in the Sala dell’Annunziata in Sant’Agostino, this Tuesday the 25th of September, 2012, at 6pm.

See you Tuesday!

PIETRASANTA. L’assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Pietrasanta in collaborazione con l’associazione Amici del Cav organizza per martedì 25 settembre, alle ore 18, nella Sala dell’Annunziata in Sant’Agostino un incontro con l’artista Maria Gamundi.

Un nucleo di opere della scultrice venezuelana sono attualmente in mostra nella sala delle Grasce (fino al 14 ottobre). Un dono che Maria Gamundi ha voluto fare alla nostra città per celebrare i suoi sessanta anni e i quaranta anni di permanenza a Pietrasanta.

L’incontro di martedì 25 settembre rientra nella serie di iniziative che l’assessorato alla Cultura e l’associazione Amici del Cav hanno in calendario per i prossimi mesi. Appuntamenti con artisti promossi dal Centro Arti Visive e personaggi del mondo dell’arte. Sarà anche un’occasione per gli Amici del Cav di raccogliere i tesseramenti e illustrare l’attività dell’Associazione.

By Valeria Caldelli,
La Nazione

Maria Gamundí’s art is altogether feminine. Not only because she is a woman but because her constant search for harmony and beauty passes almost exclusively through the female form – women, whose bodies communicate a universe that tends towards perfection, where the curves smooth out all the angles and the shapes render light and almost “levitate” heavy materials such as marble and bronze. “Yes, it is true, men are not very present in my repertoire. Only sometimes I have sculpted them and they have come out as saints or devils …” Maria Gamundí smiles in her studio in the foothills of Camaiore – near Pietrasanta – surrounded by dozens of women, a bit languid, a little intriguing – always luscious and serene. They are all ready for her upcoming show “Marmo & Bronzo” which opens September 15, at the Sala Grasce in the cultural center Luigi Russo in Pietrasanta – and which will remain open until October 14. “I believe that the human body, male or female, young or old, is a perfect creation. I use the female body only because I feel closer to it, even if it is never an exact copy of the real. I always try to simplify the forms looking for the harmony that I am searching for.”

Maria Gamundí has lived for years in Pietrasanta, but her origins are half Venezuelan and half Catalan, as revealed by the accent on the “í” of her last name, such as is found in Miró, Gaudí, Dalí. Almost a trademark, or a mark of destiny, for an artist who also has painters in her family. But she has chosen sculpture, three-dimensional creation to give life to the beauty that is the soul of her art. “In the world of contemporary art there is often an attempt to attack, to shock the public,” she says. “I believe that instead we should surround ourselves with beauty, with the good things, so, through my work, I try to evoke harmony and peace. Whatever the trends are, I can only create what I feel and what comes spontaneously from my hands are images that represent my ideal of beauty.”

So who is the real artist, he who upsets us or he who caresses us, he who slaps us or he who takes us by the hand? “For me, art is everything that ignites emotion,” is the answer. “A work of art is one that surprises you, transports you, engages you, beckons you, moves you. I, for one, love Vangi because he conveys humanity. He is a sculptor, but he is also a poet. It does not matter whether something is beautiful or ugly. You can make a beautiful object, but if it doesn’t touch the emotions it is not art. ”

That’s why Maria Gamundí embues her women with the breath of life. “I’m very much a perfectionist,” she says. “Every step is a continuous reworking and I continue to work until I am satisfied, until I feel that the sculpture is alive. Only then I know I’m done.”

But an artist is never finished. And Maria Gamundí is always looking for new challenges which propel her creations from one material to another. Thus, “Marmo & Bronzo” is the title of her upcoming exhibition which offers us a close comparison between identical forms molded in different materials. And the artist comments: “Only their shape is the same, their lives are completely different.”

Visit the artist’s website here:

Here are some photos of the opening of my sculpture exhibition “Marmo & Bronzo” in Pietrasanta. It was a truly great day. I was overcome with joy at seeing so many people there, from Pietrasanta and the world over.

I want to thank the Mayor of Pietrasanta Domenico Lombardi, and Valentina Fogher, and the art critic Giuseppe Cordoni for their support and their presence. A big thank you goes out to the Coro Versilia who sang wonderful songs and to The Trattoria Gatto Nero for the wonderful buffet they served and to the Ristorante Le Tre Terrazze for bringing the chilled Prosecco and wine.

A thank you to Stefano De Franceschi for taking these pictures.

In this picture, from left to right: Domenico Lombardi, the Mayor of Pietrasanta, Giuseppe Cordoni, the noted art critic, and me, Maria Gamundi. Behind me, two of my friends, Gabriella Pascquini, and Silvina Spravkin.

The lovely Cristiana from the Trattoria Gatto Nero serving the delicacies.

PIETRASANTA – É stato un grande successo, l’inaugurazione della mostra di sculture “Marmo & Bronzo” di Maria Gamundi, sabato 15 settembre nella Sala delle Grasce a Pietrasanta. C’é stato una grande partecipazione del pubblico – dei cittadini di Pietrasanta, di artisti e di amici della scultrice. Il Sindaco Domenico Lombardi ha dato il via alle festività che hanno anche visto il Coro Versilia partecipare – con musica – alla mostra che celebra la vita d’artista che Maria Gamundi ha passato nell’ambito artistico di Pietrasanta. La scultrice Venezuelana ha vissuto in Versilia ed ha lavorato nei laboratori di marmo e nelle fonderie di bronzo della Piccola Atene, per quasi quarant’anni. Le sue sculture sono una ode consapevole alla bellezza delle forme femminili, le sue statue sono inconfondibili; candide, luminose ed estremamente eleganti, sono donne distese, meditative, immerse. Con forme arrotondite, quasi astratte con spunti e finiture realistiche; in marmo le superfici sono lievigate quasi all’improbabile e i bronzi sono patinati fino a renderli specchi di una bellezza interiore condivisa con lo spettatore.

La mostra “Maria Gamundi, Marmo & Bronzo” continua fino al 14 ottobre, 2012, nella Sala delle Grasce,

Ingresso gratuito.

Per informazioni contattate: 0584 795500 – e-mail

(via Viareggino,com)

I’m excited to post about details of the vernissage for my solo sculpture exhibition, “Maria Gamundi, Marmo & Bronzo” which is happening at 6pm this Saturday the 15th of September, 2012, in the Sala delle Grasce in Pietrasanta.

The Coro Versilia of Capezzano Monte will be present and will sing several beautiful pieces to kick off the festivities. There will be refreshments offered. The Trattoria Gatto Nero will provide platters of yummy gourmet specialties, and the Ristorante Tre Terrazze will provide the Prosecco and the wine. The picture above is of one of my pieces – “Ninfea” – which will be on display – from

The Gatto Nero is a charming trattoria in Pietrasanta. We link to their website here.

The Tre Terrazze is a restaurant in the little medieval village of Monteggiori – where I lived and had a studio for many years – in the hills overlooking Pietrasanta, and we link to their website here.

I extend my sincere appreciation to both for their support – GRAZIE!

You are invited!

Come see my show and meet with my friends, other artists and share a glass of Prosecco and a delicacy!

Maria Gamundi
“Marmo & Bronzo”
From September 15th to October 14th, 2012
In the Sala Grasce
For more information contact: tel: +39 0584 795500

This is my sculpture “Awakening” – I made this one after I sculpted “Conforto,” which was another nude, a very self-contained and inwardly set piece – whereas “Awakening” is open… hopeful; she celebrates the dawning of the new day.

In the photo above, I am working on the clay model, in my studio – below you can see the two versions I made – one in Marmo statuario, Statuary Marble, and the other in bronze. These two were made in the marble studios and bronze foundries of Pietrasanta, the charming little city on Tuscany’s northwestern coast, known as “Italy’s Little Athens,” for its artistic life.

You can visit my website here:

I am having a solo sculpture exhibition starting next week! “Awakening” will not be in the show, but there’ll be other new and older works in marble and in bronze. Be sure to check back for details! The show is called “Maria Gamundi, Marmo & Bronzo” and it’s at the Sala Grasce in Pietrasanta. The opening – of which I’ll give you more details soon, is this Saturday the 15th of September at 6pm.

“Soleil” is carved in fine statuary marble. She measures 91.5 x 33.5 x 43.5 cm. The foto is by Stefano Baroni

My exhibition, called “Maria Gamundí, Marmo & Bronzo” starts on September 15th and goes through October 14th, 2012 – in the Sala Grasce, next to the Church of Sant’Agostino.

The opening reception is at 6pm on September 15th.
I’ll post more details as we get closer to the date. In the meantime you can always see more of my work on my website linked here.

 I look forward to seeing you all there!

This is “The Observers” one of the most sought-after sculptures of mine. It’s an edition of three, with two artist’s copies. I’ve sold all three and one of the artist’s copies … so there’s only one available for sale.

This composition is of three slightly larger than life-size nudes who, while gazing towards the horizon, also contemplate inwardly. They were exhibited for the first time at the international sculpture exhibition  “Boulevard des Sculptures 2002” in Kijkduin, Den Haag, in the Netherlands.

“The Observers” was cast at the Fonderia Artistica Mariani, in Pietrasanta, where I do all my casting.