My marble sculpture “Spirito Libero Portatrice di Luce” was inaugurated last Monday in Pietrasanta. This sculpture, which commemorates the tragic loss of Valentina Prisco, victim of the road, was commissioned by her mother Maria Luisa Secchi, pictured on the right in the photo above.

In attendance were the Mayor of Pietrasanta Alberto Giovannetti,Capo di Gabinetto Adamo Bernardi,Valentina Fogher of the Cultural Offices, Massimiliano Simoni president of Pro-Loco Focette, Ivano Carlesi of Pro-Loco Focette, Patrizia Lombardi assesore di Viareggio, Commandante Polizia Stradale di Prov. of Lucca Serafina di Vuolo, the parish Priest of Focette and representatives from the association of organ donors A.I.D.O. of Viareggio among may friends and family.

This sculpture is in memory of Valentina but is also dedicated to all the Victims of the road and the Italian Organ Association A.I.D.O..

The statue is located on the corner viale Roma – the “Lungo Mare” Boulevard – and via Dalmazia in Focette.

Thank you to Maria Luisa Secchi for the commission, my friends and all who participated.