Maria-Gamundi-Pietrasanta-Scultura-2015Maria-GAMUNDI-Premio-PietrasantaI am very happy and honored to have received this prestigious prize – it means so much to me.

This is the XXV edition of the “Pietrasanta e la Versilia nel Mondo” International Sculpture Prize.

I would like to thank Pietrasanta’s administration, the Mayor Massimo Mallegni, il Circolo Fratelli Rosselli and their president Alessandro Tosi, the vice president of Banca Versilia and Garfagnana Corrado Lazzotti, the art critic Giuseppe Cordoni, Domenico Lombardi and all the wonderful artisans that through the years have worked me. A special thanks to the Fonderia Mariani, to Maestro Enzo Pasquini, Nicola Stagetti, Ulderigo e Alberto Giannoni, Sergio e Marco Giannoni, Ivo Poli, Giovanni Gherarducci, Alessandro Maggi and also a “Grazie di Cuore”a Valentina Fogher e Chiara Celli from the city’s cultural offices.

I would like to thank everyone that participated at the ceremony and to all of you who have expressed your support from afar.

Grazie Pietrasanta!